R.C.I.A. Roofing Consulting Installation Associates
Improperly trained home inspectors consistently report,using unfounded catastrophic comments or terms such as "defective roof ,asphalt bleeding from the roof" These careless, many times incorrect comments can be deal killers in the real estate community. In my experience we have found too often the home inspection community as well as many professional contractors do not know the difference of a normal wear versus a defect. Count on RCIA to fully evaluate a life cycle assessment. roof life cycle evaluation Roof certification
A properly worded Roof condition report will determine current condition, approximate age,weathering comments and will state the approximate remaining life of the roof. condition of chimneys, ridge vents chimney flashings and pipe penetrations If any maintenance is required an approximation of cost. roof life cycle evaluation Roof certification
DC Montgomery County Balt 950.00
Eastern Shore Richmond 1000.00 roof life cycle evaluation Roof certification
RCIA will connect you with the highest credentialed reputable contractors as well as write a specification for the bidding contractor to follow to see your project through to completion. Specification and bid assistance 1500.00 roof life cycle evaluation Roof certification